Monday, November 06, 2006

Show VII: "The Animal Show"


My good friend Hillary dropped by the show, again, last week. It always proves to be a more interesting show in terms of banter when someone drops by because I have someone to talk back and forth with. There is dialogue. You do not just hear me stumbling over my own words.

Anyways, in case you were curious...Show VII with the theme "bands with animals in their names":
Bear vs. Shark- "Catamaran" from the album Terrorhawk
Band of Horses- "Wicked Gil" (Click/Save Target As to hear the old version of this song) from the album Everything All the Time
OXES- "Boss Kitty" from the album OXXXES
Elefant- "Now That I Miss Her" from the album Sunlight Makes Me Paranoid
The Unicorns- "Les Os" from the album Who Will Cut Our Hair When We're Gone?
Grizzly Bear- "Knife" from the album Yellow House
Modest Mouse- "Dance Hall" from the album Good News For People Who Love Bad News
These Arms Are Snakes- "Your Pearly Whites" from the album Oxeneers or The Lion Sleeps When Its Antelope Go Home
Minus the Bear- "The Fix" from Menos El Oso
Man Man- "Engrish Bwudd" from the album Six Demon Bag
SPECIAL TREAT: Sufjan Stevens- "Majesty Snowbird" ; a live recording of an unreleased song

Quinn S.

*MP3 links courtesy of Monitor Records website and Band of Horses website.

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