Wednesday, July 03, 2013

LISTEN: Robocut Slum - "Test Take 1"


Do you ever stop to think about how the human body is the greatest percussion instrument of all time? Think about it. The heart holds it down like a kick drum as our breath, blood flow, blinking, breathing, and more all create their own rhythm to the beat of this kick drum heart. They say that no two people are alike, and I'd bet that the same could be said for our individual body rhythms. We're all living to our own beats, and when things click maybe that's love, maybe that's happiness.

Los Angeles-based artist Robocut Slum's "Test Take 1" centers around what sounds like a sample of breathing, which lends itself to making the song feel like an auditory representation of a roadtrip through the pumping beat of the body.

"Test Take 1" is from Robocut Slum's latest release, Study Breaks. Hear the whole thing via SoundCloud or Bandcamp.

Robocut Slum

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