Friday, June 26, 2009

Satisfied and Tickled Too

I haven't really been hooked on a song like Dinosaur Jr's latest single "I Want You To Know" from the newly released Farm. It's definitely got the catchiest hooks on the new record and for whatever reason has fulfilled my craving for rocking out lately.

But what makes it so good for me? Well, Dinosaur Jr have always made a name for themselves by turning their amps about as close to 11 as possible and relying on heavy, heavy overdrive. So the single, as well as the rest of the record sounds big. Beyond sheer volume, J Mascis and friends have pulled out a couple of gems, including the single and the ballad-length and multi-faceted "Plans".

What makes Farm so good for me quite simply is that it's a well made rock album. Sometimes when I'm out there looking for music that makes me want to bang my hands on the wheel while I'm driving, all I need is a band that knows how to put together a song add just enough challenges to a simple concept to make the music exciting and their new album, I think Dinosaur Jr has done just that. I highly recommend checking out their myspace (link above).

For other rocking needs, I've been particularly interested in finding new ways to listen to the UK's Manic Street Preachers. I picked up Know Your Enemy in sophomore of high school and have always wanted more. I took the liberty of finding a copy of their fabled record The Holy Bible, which was re-released in the US a few years ago. This a must-have for those who feel like the need a comprehensive catalogue of 90s rock.

Speaking of which, and Quinn will be jazzed about this. I've also got my hands on the classic At The Drive-In record, Relationship of Command. Way back when I thought the Mars Volta were just crazy enough to enjoy...that was when I had just started listening to De-Loused...but their more recent releases -which really rocketed them to stardom- just haven't jived with me. So one night at work, Quinn was telling me about how good a record Relationship is and I've been looking for it. Now I've got it, and I'm quite happy about it.

In other news, the new Wilco album (which is actually called Wilco (The Album) ) is about as stock as Jeffy Tweedy and Co. get. Personally, I find their tendencies to write very catchy geezer-rock/pop songs a bit boring. There's no doubt that Sky Blue Sky features some really great stuff, but the newest realease seems like a hefty dosage of more-of-the-same stuff from that record that sounds good, it just isn't impressive. However, those diehard Wilco fans should make note of "The Jolly Banker", a solid tribute to past country roots.

I thought I'd throw you a link because the band did allow the album to be streamed in full (ok) quality, but it's gone. Take a swing on over to Pitchfork and check in out there when the album is released June 30.

Happy listenings.

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