Thursday, July 22, 2010

IN THE GARAGE, VOL. 1: Les Breastfeeders - "Ça Ira"

I've had a big thing for garage rock over the years. I figured I'd try out a new feature here on Mixtape Muse where I'll be focusing on one garage rock band and song per post that I really dig, posting a video along with a short write-up. The name was taken from/inspired by the Weezer song of the same name. I found it fairly appropriate, even if Weezer's far from a garage rock band (it's what's in a name that counts here!). Let's jump right in, shall we? 1, 2...1, 2, 3, 4!

Don't be mistaken by the song title, Les Breastfeeders are a sextet based out of Montreal. The band name "Les Breastfeeders" might be a bit ridiculous, but at least it is, in its own special way, memorable. Les Breastfeeders have been around since 1999, but only have two albums under their collective belt: 2004's Déjeuner sur l'herbe and 2006's Les matins de grands soirs. Aside from the name sticking out, you'll notice in the video below a shirtless man wearing a furry bolero, playing tambourine. This man, Johnny Maldoror, is a member of the band and, yes, he is the band's tambourine player. But when you think about it, the tambourine is a characteristic instrument of the garage rock genre. Apparently, there used to be a band in the Baltimore area that had a member whose sole job was to play the cowbell. He put the cowbell around his neck with some string or something and would dance around the stage like he owned it. Looks like Maldoror is doing about the same. Awesome!

"Ça Ira" is a really energetic jam that has everything you'd want in a garage rock song: tambourine, a single-string guitar riff, shouting, trebly chord progression, that signature organ, and unrelenting drums. I recently just discovered this song, but I love it.

Les Breastfeeders Official Site
Les Breastfeeders @ MySpace

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