Thursday, July 15, 2010

Scott's Top 5 Albums of 2010 (so far)

Hello there! My name is Scott and I am late for work. Enjoy!

1) Dr. Dog – Shame, Shame

What can I say? I’ve been hooked since April. Dr. Dog has forged a sound all their own. With Shame, Shame, this sound is stripped to its most basic elements. No dense layers of strings or horns this time around; rather, the band has opted to keep the instrumentation simple and the harmonies tight. What you hear is what you get, and there ain’t no shame in that.

2) Delta Spirit – History From Below

History From Below was well worth the wait, but I have to admit, I’m most impressed with Matthew Vasquez. He sings with an unrelenting air of confidence; he’s learned from an unspoken past and he writes from the heart so as to document a history of sorts. These narratives chronicle the lives of common people, soul-searching people, if you will, and ultimately conclude on an existential note.

3) Phosphorescent – Here’s To Taking It Easy

Here’s To Taking It Easy picks up where 2009’s tribute To Willie left off. Houck and the gang have seamlessly made the transition from folksy indie lo-fi to folksy indie alt-country, resulting in a more accessible Phosphorescent album. The Red Headed Stranger’d surely be proud of this full grown band and its newfound respect of the lap-steel guitar.

4) The Tallest Man on Earth – The Wild Hunt

American folk at its finest, The Wild Hunt contains ten beautifully crafted songs strummed, plucked, and sometimes finger-picked to perfection. Kristian Matsson, better known as The Tallest Man on Earth, has a certain knack for melody and a voice that demands our absolute attention. Who’d have guessed that the folk-revival-revival would be fronted by a mustached man from Sweden?

5) Wolf Parade – Expo 86

Ah, Wolf Parade. It’s been years since I’ve given much thought to the band. Apologies To The Queen Mary’s been played out and At Mount Zoomer just didn’t cut it. Expo 86, however, has had a converse effect. I find myself muttering lyrics that I don’t quite understand while simultaneously bobbing my head to and fro. Put simply: it’s catchy, it’s raw, and it shreds.

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