Monday, August 30, 2010

LISTEN: Francois Peglau

Francois Peglau - "One minute to midnight dream (So sad)"
<a href="">One minute to midnight dream [So sad] by Francois Peglau</a>

Time disappears with a quick snap of the fingers -- just like a magic trick. With your head in the clouds, you tend to miss a lot of what happens down in reality. You can't let yourself get carried away by what you think, neglecting that which you already know. The trouble often lies in looking for something rather than at something, failing to ever recognize that what you're looking for is right in front of you. While seconds are buried left and right, you become dependent on a hope for something that might not even exist. It's so sad to consider the possibility that what you're looking for has already passed by you. One day, you'll wake up and realize that securing your hope to a dream -- to a future unknown -- has left you with an empty feeling. Don't ignore the future, but don't let it become your obsession.

In the hands of Francois Peglau, sadness sounds rather upbeat. Peglau plays with a jangly '60s pop sound that crosses The Clientele and Belle & Sebastian. "One minute to midnight dream (So sad)" is a lo-fi garage rock/Group Sounds/twee pop song that's rather like a post-it note from the future reminding you to not let time, or any one person, make you out to be a fool.

"One minute to midnight dream (So sad)" is from Peglau's latest release which you can hear and download after the jump.

<a href="">One minute to midnight dream [So sad] by Francois Peglau</a>

Francois Peglau makes somewhat soft-spoken lo-fi pop that incorporates Group Sounds and twee pop. More to the point, he calls his music "Socio-Peruvian lo-fi pop." Very much like Ted Leo then, Peglau wraps up serious -- at times political -- subject matter in fun, easily digestible songs. He cites The Beatles as an influence, evident in the presence of Group Sounds and jangly '60s pop. With sharp electric guitar, gentle acoustic guitar, playful electronics, and vocals soaking in a bit of fuzz, Peglau makes music that was destined to be played in the sunshine, driving along the coastline or through some small European town.

Below is the music video for "One minute to midnight dream (So sad)".

Francois Peglau is a Peruvian/Argentinian/French singer-songwriter based out of London. Before moving to England, he was a member of the garage rock/powerpop band Los Fuckin Sombreros in Peru.

Francois Peglau @ MySpace
Francois Peglau @ Bandcamp
Los Fuckin Sombreros @ MySpace

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