Wednesday, August 11, 2010


It's time for another edition of "What's Your Muse?" We missed the deadline this month, but we have a real treat for you below.

The concept is simple: We ask a band/artist to choose a song that means a lot/the most to them. Then, they record and send us a video of themselves describing why they chose the song. Think of it like a collaborative video mixtape project.

In this edition, we hear from Sea of Bees.

Sea of Bees is the moniker of Julie Ann Bee, or Jules as everyone calls her. She plays all but a few instruments on her new record, Songs For the Ravens, and possesses an awareness for how each instrument plays an important role in the overall sound of her music. We've shared her brand of moving folk rock before on the site, and now we get a chance to learn about music that means something to Jules.

Generally, artists just tell us about a song that means the most to them, but Jules really goes the distance and gives us a Mixtape Muse first. Not only does she tell us about the song, she performs her own awe-inspiringly beautiful version of the song, as well. It's not something you can really put into words, you just have to watch it.

BUY: Songs For the Ravens is out now on Crossbill Records. Pick it up here or on iTunes.

Sea of Bees Official Site
Sea of Bees @ Facebook
Sea of Bees @ MySpace

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I've always considered this as one of U2's best songs and don't remember hearing any cover of it. Jules' version shows how effective lyrics, sung with such pure emotion, and a good melody do not necessarily need a big production sound to deliver a story. The song's history within Jules' own life provides a very sweet back story, if you will, as she performs it. Thank you, MTM!