Monday, April 16, 2012

LISTEN: The Experimental Tropic Blues Band - "The Best Burger"

MP3: The Experimental Tropic Blues Band - "The Best Burger"

When you've got Jon Spencer manning the boards for your record and you're recording to tape in the studio run by Heavy Trash's Matt Verta Ray, chances are high the end result will be real, invigorating, and loud rock 'n' roll -- the kind that's raw and full of attitude. A perfect example of this formula can be found on Liquid Love, the new album from Belgium's The Experimental Tropic Blues Band.

Album cut "The Best Burger" is a blast of gritty garage rock 'n' roll characterized by amps turned to 11, an explosive set of power chords, gang vocals, and jabs of organ. It's full of howl and proof that rock 'n' roll is alive and well.

Liquid Love is out now on Blow the Fuse Records.

The Experimental Tropic Blues Band
Official Site

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