Monday, June 23, 2008

Amy, Amy, Amy

Today, it was reported that Amy Winehouse is in the early stages of emphysema. Doctors told her that she will be forced to wear an oxygen mask if she does not stop smoking. Amy was also informed that continued smoking will ruin her voice (duh) and lead to her death (well, yeah).

This shouldn't come as a surprise to anyone considering the amount of smoke she inhales on a daily basis. Although, I must admit I am a bit surprised that she been diagnosed with emphysema. Sure, she smokes crack and cigarettes, but so does Pete Doherty. If anyone was going to get emphysema, I thought it would have been 'ol Pete. I'm pretty sure he's in the news more for his drug problems than he ever really is for his music. I'm also pretty sure everyone familiar with him has wondered at one point or another how he hasn't killed himself yet. I guess Pete's doing pretty well when compared to his pal Amy.

I'd just like to remind everyone that Amy Winehouse is 24. Emphysema seems to be something one would usually associate with someone much older - someone who's been smoking for many, many years. I doubt Amy started when she exited the womb. So, that's a lot of cigarettes and crack cocaine in the past few years. She's down to 70% lung capacity, too.

She's still scheduled to perform on Friday in London at a concert celebrating the 90th birthday of Nelson Mandela as well as the following day at the Glastonbury music festival.

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