Wednesday, August 13, 2008

I'd like to introduce a new feature on the blog called "Film Fishin'" (No word yet on whether I'll be able to live with that name, so maybe it will change...that banner certainly will change though. Feedback is welcome.). Basically, I'll be searching the net for interesting/entertaining videos, posting them, and then doing a write-up on them. The writing may be factual and/or reflective. Although it will be predominantly music-oriented, every now and again there might be a video that has nothing to do with music (e.g. stunts, ridiculous TV bloopers, etc.).
Band of Gypsys (Jimi Hendrix) - "Machine Gun" (Live)

(it's not the full video, but you certainly get a good amount here)

Around fifth or sixth grade is when my obsession with music and the guitar began. Yeah, I was into music long before then, but it was more of a "Put on 99.1! I really like that station." I listened to the songs on the radio, knew the words (or thought I did) but never knew anything about the bands behind the music.

When I did begin my love affair, my father introduced me to Jimi Hendrix via 1970s Band of Gypsys. Seeing as I had taken up an interest in the guitar, he thought I might enjoy the legendary guitarist. If memory serves me right, I had actually heard of him mentioned in school during music class - the same class where I started my journey with the guitar - but I didn't really know what an amazing performer and artist he was.

This album was my true introduction to Hendrix. From the first few notes of "Who Knows" I was hooked. It became one of my favorite albums and to this day still gives me that same feeling I first felt upon first listen: utter jubilation. You know what I mean. There's one album, or at least one song, that just gets you and you can't do anything but stop and listen. It may be the words, it may be the music, it may be the combination of both, but for whatever reason you can't ignore what you are hearing. For me, it was more so Hendrix's playing than his words, but don't think I was neglecting to catch his message.

There's always debate as to where Jimi Hendrix stands as a guitarist: the best, great, etc. Technically speaking, he might not have been the best guitarist, but the control he exhibited over the instrument is astounding. He showed people that a guitar can give you more than just notes, more than just chords. Hendrix was innovative not just for what he crafted sonically in the studio, but also because of how he showed that the guitar was capable of so much more than what it was built for. He is one of the greatest guitarists of all-time because of this. It wasn't Hendrix and a guitar, it was Hendrix. His playing, his guitar was just an extension of his person.

If you don't own Band of Gypsys, pick it up NOW.

I realize the video is not the best quality, but it's great to have something like this in existence. If you are familiar with the album, it's great to put a visual to the sound.

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