Thursday, February 19, 2009


Well, tonight's show is definitely not going to air. Although I was able to get into the studio without issue this week there is still a technical issue that needs to be resolved. Currently, I could go on air and talk for the remaining half-hour of my time slot, but I wouldn't be able to play you any music.

With a second week of technical issues and delayed starts, I have to wonder if people have just lost hope in this radio program. I can't imagine they would want to tune-in again and again only to find that I'm either A) not starting on time or B) not even on the air. Some things are out of my control (i.e. technical difficulties) while others (i.e. me arriving at the station late) are preventable on my part. Maybe this question is rhetorical: Does anyone even listen to the show anymore?

Hopefully this issue is resolved next week. If it is not, I'll play the playlist from a CD, which can't fail....then again, anything's possible.

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