Monday, February 16, 2009

Show 3.12

First new show of the second semester. After not being able to get into the studio until 7:20 and dealing with technical problems, I finally managed to get on the air from 7:30 and went a full hour 'til 8:30.

The Thermals - "Now We Can See "
The Voyeurs - "Things People Say "
Mt. St. Helens Vietnam Band - "Dull Reason"
Heartless Bastards - "Sway"
Manic Street Preachers - "Send Away The Tigers"
Piebald - "Grace Kelly With Wings"
The Clash - "This Is Radio Clash"
The Pains of Being Pure At Heart - "Young Adult Friction"
The Duke Spirit - "Send a Little Love Token"
I Was A King - "Norman Bleik"
Miniature Tigers - "Cannibal Queen"
Deerhunter - "Nothing Ever Happened"

Aired: 2/12/09

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