(Photo: Ralph Crane)
Manhattan - "Hypnotise"
Dublin's Manhattan is a fairly new band having come together at the start of this year. "Hypnotise" is by no means perfect, but that's part of its charm. It reminds me of that fresh sense of excitement and optimism one finds when they start a new band -- I remember it quite well. It sounds as though they all crowded in a garage or some equally small but intimate space and poured out a ton of heartfelt emotion. There's an honesty and kind of nervous energy to the song. It's a freeze frame of the frenetic pace of life. It's a night of lost seconds, minutes, and hours. The thump of kick drum, rain of hi-hat, and guitar work introduce us to the magnetism of the night, the kind that gets us entranced and eventually swallows us whole. Robbie McCarthy's voice is vulnerable but has an ability to cut through the confusion of life, giving hope that we're all human and that in the end, things will end up the way they should be.
Manhattan @ Soundcloud
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(to download the song, click the down arrow to the right of the player above)
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