Wednesday, October 23, 2013

LISTEN: Panama - 'Always' EP

Lest you think I had completely given up on Mixtape Muse, something has, once again, brought me back to the fold. And while I'm sure there is a ton of great music I've neglected in my mess of an inbox, I've found myself scanning through Bandcamp as of late. About a week ago, I came across one particular October release that caught my attention. But of course, as it turns out, Sydney, Australia's Panama was one of those many recent submissions I've neglected -- so now I just feel foolish.

This electro pop quartet's latest release, the 3-song Always EP, is a refreshing collection of piano-laden, synth-seasoned, infectious tracks that dig deep thanks to the group's subtle inclusion of disco, new wave, and house. It's the sound of dusk dissolving to night, slipping under the wash of the moonlight. If you dug the title track above, hear the entire EP below.


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