Monday, December 03, 2007

Show 2.10: "Rustic"

Show 2.1o was made up of songs that had a rustic feel. The kind of music you would listen to while on the road.

Josh Ritter- "To The Dogs or Whoever" from the album The Historical Conquests of Josh Ritter
Pelle Carlberg- "I Love You, You Imbecile" from the album In A Nutshell
Black Rebel Motorcycle Club- "Shuffle Your Feet" from the album Howl
Sufjan Stevens- "DECATUR, or, Round of Applause For Your Stepmother!" from the album Illinois
Backyard Tire Fire- "Downtime" from the album Vagabonds and Hooligans
Graham Parker- "Almost Thanksgiving Day" from the album Your Country
The Hold Steady- "Citrus" from the album Boys and Girls In America
Neil Young- "Captain Kennedy"
Buffaloswans- "Long Hundred Picture" from the album Buffaloswans
Marah- "Coughing Up Blood" from the album Angels of Destruction!
Sam Amidon- "Little Johnny Brown" from the album All Is Well
The French Quarter- "Stay"
Beck- "Guess I'm Doing Fine" from the album Sea Change

Aired: 11/28/07

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