Monday, May 24, 2010

LISTEN: JustDave - "Waste"

How many songwriters will go unappreciated in this world? Dave Ward (aka JustDave) has been at it for years, with quite an impressive resume to his name. But as fate would have it, he hasn't really ever received that big break that he's worked so hard for. He currently works as a Building Services Design Consultant, which is not at all what he should be doing. What Ward should be doing is spending all his time on music. I'm sure he's a top-notch Design Consultant, but you should hear what he can do with a few power chords and an energized lead guitar riff.

"Waste" is a recently released single that definitely hooked me in to what he is doing. The lead riff reminds me a bit of the lead from British Sea Power's "Lights Out For Darker Skies" if it were reimagined over a power pop canvas. There's a bit of Joe Jackson in Ward's voice and pop sensibility, but "Waste" is harder rocking and hits with a lot more attitude -- there's a bit of The Jam in here, too, I'd say. The verses run with a distorted, palm-muted chord progression that underscores and accentuates the emotion in Ward's voice. Verses boil to the point of eruption as the chorus enters, where Ward let's it all out and really goes for it. It's a chorus that rounds out a song that sounds like some criminally overlooked or forgotten .45 that's just waiting to be rediscovered.

Cheers, Dave.

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