Monday, May 03, 2010

WHAT'S YOUR MUSE? Todd Goldstein of ARMS

Welcome to "What's Your Muse?, a new feature on Mixtape Muse. The concept is simple: We ask a band/artist to choose a song that means a lot/the most to them. Then, they record and send us a video of themselves describing why they chose the song. Think of it like a collaborative video mixtape project.

Todd Goldstein (aka ARMS), former guitarist for the now-defunct Harlem Shakes, talks about a song from one of the most influential bands of the early '70s.

The Faces - "Ooh La La"

The acoustic backbone of this song is not a far cry from the type of work Goldstein has done with ARMS. It's easy to see how this song has served as an inspiration for his own work.

And just for kicks, let's watch us some "Rushmore."

You can download the new ARMS EP right here.

More on ARMS:
Kids Aflame album review here.
Interview with Todd Goldstein/ARMS here.

Check out other featured videos on the Mixtape Muse Vimeo Channel.

ARMS Official Site
ARMS @ Twitter
ARMS @ MySpace

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