Monday, June 28, 2010

LISTEN: The Globes

(Photo: Pam Settler)

I think what's most difficult about songwriting is the process of arranging. Songs can be straightforward and still effective -- just "three chords and the truth" as they say. And then there are songs that can be rife with twist and turns, making the music infinitely interesting. With respect to the latter, music takes on this completely captivating quality, not just because of its inherent eclectic nature, but because of its ability to evolve.

These songs sound like a cross between Pinback and Medications, but comparing The Globes to other bands is more like comparing apples and oranges. Their music is hard to specifically categorize because the band sounds more like creators rather than emulators. The Globes keep each minute intriguing, whether it's through tempo changes, the undercurrent of math rock, or the addition of an effect pedal. They know when to be subtle and when to hook you in with intricately interwoven guitar lines. Both songs here showcase the band's tightly-wound sound that is both relaxed and sharp.

"Stay Awake" and "A Stitch Couldn't Save the World" are from The Globes' Sinter Songs EP.

The Globes hit the road next month. Dates after the hop.

Tour Dates

July 3 Empyrean [Spokane, WA]
July 5 Subterranean [Chicago, IL]

w/ Maps and Atlases
July 6 Firebird [St Louis, MO]
July 7 Slowdown [Omaha, NB]
July 9 The Marquis Theater [Denver, CO]
July 10 The Black Sheep [Colorado Springs, CO]
July 11 Kilby Court [Salt Lake City, UT]
July 13 The Doug Fir [Portland, OR]
July 14 Media Club [Vancouver, BC]
July 15 The Vera Project [Seattle, WA]

w/ Maps and Atlases and Cults
July 17 Bottom of the Hill [San Franciso, CA]
July 18 The Mill [Santa Cruz, CA]
July 19 Howie and Son's Pizza [Visalia, CA]
July 20 Muddy Waters [Santa Barbara, CA]
July 21 Casbah [San Diego, CA]
July 22 The Bootleg Theater [Los Angeles, CA]
July 23 Club Congress [Tucson, AZ]
July 25 The Loft [Dallas, TX]
July 26 Emo's Jr. [Austin, TX]
July 27 Mango's [Houston, TX]

The Globes @ MySpace

Seriously, someone sign this band.

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