Wednesday, July 21, 2010

LISTEN: The Band of the Eye - "Bye"

(Image by Andy Rementer)

The Band of the Eye - "Bye"

A bittersweet send-off that's more a painful goodbye than a show of hope for reconciliation and reunion. The chord progression aligns itself well with the lyrics, hitting a lower minor chord at just the right moment as if to punctuate the slip in mood. It winds up being a song that's empowering, lifting the spirit as it builds to its final kiss-off fueled by the added bite of distortion. Starting off a bit shy, it ends with confidence and a certain air of pride. With a hint of REM and the melancholic reflection of Built to Spill, it's a perfect song for that mixtape to carry you through anything.

The Band of the Eye is a band based out of Bristol/Gloucester, UK.

The Band of the Eye Official Site
The Band of the Eye @ MySpace

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