Wednesday, January 18, 2012


I might hate politics, but that doesn't mean I'll ignore the possible ramifications of political actions. If SOPA/PIPA are passed and enacted, the freedoms of both expression and communication we are fortunate enough to have here in the U.S. would forever be changed, radically different from what we know today. I don't ever speak out in regards to politics, but I feel as though this is something that could not only affect Mixtape Muse but countless other blog friends and websites/companies/organizations, as well; people and groups that are inspiring/making a difference not only in this country, but the world over. Maybe this won't affect Mixtape Muse and me, but how will it affect things like YouTube, Vimeo, and Twitter? Some of it seems harmless, but a more in-depth read on the matter leads to some scary possibilities.

Everything shared and featured on Mixtape Muse is approved by either publicists, labels, or the artists themselves -- and I have the proof to back me up. But with SOPA/PIPA, it sounds like that won't even matter.

Learn more and sign the petition here. Read up on SOPA/PIPA here.

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