Monday, March 19, 2012

LISTEN: Friend Collector

Friend Collector (feat. members of The New Flesh) is a noise rock/punk band from right here in Baltimore. Most will take them as just a bunch of rampant noise with no purpose, which is missing the point. From what I've gathered, this is a band that plays with reckless abandon and an inescapable fury of noise in order to obliterate expectations. Instead of attempting to make something from a mold of another band or familiar sound, these guys are freeing their demons in a most unadulterated manner. Certainly, this isn't going to be a band for everyone, but the noise here is an attempt to break down walls and put forth a challenge. Friend Collector have no intention of writing catchy songs and crafting something that is easily definable or interpreted -- as the irony of their name might suggest. This is a band that is expelling raw, primal emotion as a form of catharsis; it's the sound of anger, frustration, and confusion swinging around like a physical, emotional wrecking ball. This is music that translates its message through sonic assault, not melodic hooks. It's the equivalent of climbing a mountain, standing on the edge, and screaming out until your lungs have no air left.

Friend Collector

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