Thursday, September 25, 2008

Rock 'n' Roll's Alive and Well

The Golden Hands Before God... - "Communist Party"


Those are the only three words that come to mind when I hear this song. Those are really the only words I need to provide you. This isn’t acting. This isn’t forced. A song that's truly deserving of the words "raucous" and "rollicking." The band pay equal amounts of attention to substance and groove. It's more effective simply because it sounds so natural. Is this some long lost and forgotten band from the 1960s? No, but it’s hard to fault you for thinking so. “Communist Party” sounds like the tires of an automobile making repeated runs over the road. The wheels keep turning and turning. The engine keeps running. Everything is going to hold up, hold together, until the final destination is reached.
And when I'm listening...
Hey, I saw you on the beach, but I was too afraid to approach you. I like to think that from a distance, I appeared much more attractive to you than I actually am. It might have been the music I was hearing that set me up to believe this would be true. It gives me the courage...the courage to believe this. I do that a lot. I get these ideas about how I must come across in person all based off of a song in my head or a song flowing through my ears. I think it’s safe to assume this is never really the case, but I feel much safer and accomplished from a distance. Distance is appealing to me, and much more attractive. It’s a terrible way to live, always creating misconceptions and assuming so much. I live vicariously through song. I’m experienced this way. I won’t approach you. It’s much more romantic just to think of the possibilities than to actually pursue them. I know the realities. I’m okay.

"Communist Party" is from The Golden Hands Before God...'s new extended-player Here. Pick it up.

Please note that this band's full name is actually The Golden Hands Before God Conducts Incredible Magic Band & The Spirits.

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