Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Mixtape Muse Isn't Dead Yet. So Here's A Video of A Corgi Being Vacuumed.

While you may have given up hope that I'll post with any real frequency, I do try to post at least once a week -- work has been keeping me busy (which, all things considered, is something I'm quite grateful for). But when you sit in front of a computer for a living, the last thing you really want to do is come home and spend another 2-3 hours in front of another computer. That's not to say I don't love writing about music, I just need a break -- which I won't be taking until I retire permanently from running this site. So, until the next post goes up (in a few hours), here's a video of corgi being vacuumed.

2013 makes it 7 years for Mixtape Muse. Not dead yet.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

No Corgi I know would ever put up with that.