Wednesday, June 16, 2010

We Are Scientists - "Goal! England": A Song For the World Cup

America kind of forgot, or at the very least overlooked, We Are Scientists following the release of their second LP, With Love and Squalor. But on the other side of the pond, England came to fully embrace the band. We Are Scientists have had much more success overseas since their debut, almost the inverse path that Kings of Leon traveled. In England, they are rock stars, but here...not so much. It's a shame considering their pop sensibilities and wit.

So, it should come as no surprise that We Are Scientists have a particular fondness for England (plus, their drummer used to be in Razorlight). To show their love for the World Cup favorites, the band wrote and recorded the, at times, hair metalish "Goal! England," with awesomely simplistic and goofy lines like "Kickin' the, kickin' the, kickin' the ball/Kickin' it, kickin' it into the goal" and "England is the team to beat/And Rooney has got the heat/And the shoes that are upon his feet/Andy calls them football boots, but we call them cleats."

Bassist Chris Cain explains, "People ask why we didn't record a football anthem for America. When you want to give your girlfriend a great gift, you give her something you know she wants, not something you want. We've never been huge football guys, but we're pretty big England guys, and we know her well enough to know she loves her a football anthem. So we made her one."

It's way better than Weezer's World Cup song, "Represent," which toys with the melody of "(I Just) Died In Your Arms Tonight" and makes all nostalgic Weezer fans pining for the old days to cry out once more.

We Are Scientists - "Goal! England"

We Are Scientists latest album, Barbara, came out yesterday. Stream it here.

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