Tuesday, August 03, 2010

Singer/Model VV Brown Releasing Her Own Comic Book Series

Some may know VV Brown as a model. Some may know VV Brown as a singer. Some may even know VV Brown as both of these things. But how many people know that VV Brown also writes comic books?

The English songstress is a huge fan of graphic novels and comic books and recently collaborated with friend David Allain and illustrator Emma Price to create her own comic book series entitled "The City of Abacus". It's a mix between THX 1138 and 1984, following the lives of the brainwashed citizens of Abacus. Much like THX, people's lives are governed and controlled by a higher power. The mind-numbing MX-41 device keeps the citizens in a "complacent state of conformity" and allows evil Queen Virusos, the monarch of Abacus, to have absolute control over her people. No one rebels or contests her rule as everyone in the city loses any original thoughts to the weekly MX-41 brain scan. The Queen knows all because, much like 1984, the ruling body requires nothing be a secret, nothing be outside the view of the authorities.

Volume One of the series entitled "MX-41" was recently released and quickly introduces us to the complacent state of Abacus. We learn that one girl, a stubborn yet shy 19-year old orphan named Freeda is the only one who seems immune to the affects of the MX-41. After it is discovered that the technology has no effect on Freeda, authorities go to apprehend her for questioning, but before they reach her, a rebel named Juduso grabs Freeda and escapes with her, running away past the city walls. It is here that Freeda learns about how things used to be many years ago and discovers that her father was the one who built the MX-41. The volume gives just a few details and, appropriately, leaves you wondering what's next as Juduso and Freeda head back on the run, continuing deeper into the outskirts of the city as Abacus authorities pursue them.

"The City of Abacus" is sort of a dramatization of our own world, providing social commentary on how we have let technology, celebrity culture, and TV become such integral parts of our lives to the point that they are negatively impacting our world. The MX-41 represents this social decay.

Watch the video preview and interview with VV Brown after the jump to learn more as Brown discusses the story and the creation of the series.

BUY: Pick up the first issue here.

The City of Abacus Official Website
The City of Abacus @ Facebook
The City of Abacus @ MySpace
The City of Abacus @ Twitter

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