Tuesday, October 12, 2010

In the Meantime, Enjoy This Song by The Love Language

Feeling rather uninspired today, but I'll be posting something later. In the meantime, enjoy this song by The Love Language from the new album, Libraries. It's one of my favorite albums of the year and will definitely make my Top 10. Furthermore, this is also one of my favorite songs of the year. Furtherfurthermore (see, I'm just making up words now), this song is really comforting and kind of like a reassurance that everything's going to be ok. Thanks, McLamb.*

You should really buy this album. Get it on Amazon here (CD) or here on vinyl (highly recommended if you're into that kinda thing). And, as always, you can pick it up direct from Merge right here.

*I also would like to state, for the record, that I will be writing a piece on this album in the near future. It deserves more words and coverage than what I'm offering here. It's a damn good record. A damn good record.

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