Monday, November 22, 2010

LISTEN: White Laces - "Motorik Twilight"

via this isn't happiness

White Laces - "Motorik Twilight"

Waves and waves and waves and waves and waves and waves and waves -- hear the flex of the vibrato arm. The undertow of the constant tremolo pulls you deep into the ocean of notes, underneath the motorik twilight. It's constant, consistent, but unique -- fitting for a surging wave of swirling psych. On the ebb and flow of the vibrato arm, it's almost effervescent, but still full of bite and distorted crunch. Close your eyes and float away; take a mental swim in the waves.

White Laces craft dreamy psych garage rock with "Motorik Twilight." In between the haze of psych, room is made for the winding instrumental passages of math rock. The band never leans too hard on any one genre, making the song exciting and all the more intriguing.

White Laces' self-titled debut EP is out January 18, 2011 via Whole Ghost/Shdwply.

White Laces
Official Site

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