Wednesday, September 05, 2012

DOWNLOAD: The 'III' Mixtape

Well, that didn't take long. Due way back in April of this year, our third, free, mixtape is finally available for download right now. The last two have, more or less, had themes, but III is more of a general collection of tracks that have caught my ear over the past few months. Some you may have heard a few of these songs on the site over that time, while other songs are making their debut on the site. Like the past two mixtapes, my hope is that III introduces you to a new favorite artist/band and gives these talented folks even just a little bit more exposure. Sorry it took so long! Download and enjoy. Cheers, friends.

1) Archie Powell & The Exports - "Crazy Pills"

The great Chicago power pop/rock 'n' rollers make going crazy sound like the best time. For true, well-executed modern day rock, Archie & co. fail to disappoint. (Ah, ah? Get it?)
2) We Can't Enjoy Ourselves - "Devil In The Old Folks' Home"
from Make A Mess of Sacred Ground

One of the best songs from one of 2012's most well written, and most underrated, albums.

3) Spirit Animal - "Crocodile Skins"
from the This Is A Test EP

I'd imagine if '70s era rock bands knew what to do with funk and could manage to sound slyly soulful all the while, they could keep up with this song. 

4) Shark Week - "If You Want Me To Stay (For A While)"
from the Shark Week EP

I can't help but feel that if The Stooges and MC5 had discovered and embraced the soul of Motown, it would be Shark Week.

5) The Hiya Dunes - "Storms & Pipes"
from High Tide

Eerie, ghostly psych surf rock that sounds like the perfect soundtrack to whatever the adult version of Scooby-Doo would be. That is to say, this is some terrificly trippy yet fun stuff.

6) I Can Chase Dragons! - "O'Donojú"
from Expansión

If you can't crack even a hint of a smile -- even on the inside -- while listening to this, then I don't even know what to tell you. How awesome is Steamboat Willie? Yeah, well that's what this reminds me of.

7) YEWS - "Traveller"

Truth be told, YEWS (nee Yasmin Kuymizakis) was the only person to submit anything when I first asked for submissions for III way back in February (!) -- and man am I glad she did. The phrase "hauntingly beautiful" gets thrown around a lot, but there's probably no better way to describe "Traveller." It's a dark but dreamy song that begins minimalistic and develops into quite a gorgeous soundscape, moving like the moon over the grooves of the nighttime landscape.

8) Bravestation - "Signs of the Civilized"
from Giants & Dreamers

Like Peter Gabriel collaborating with Foals and Wolf Parade. "Signs of the Civilized" was the first single from Bravestation's new stellar debut album.

9) Sudakistan - "El Movimiento"
(Teenhäze Edit)

Volume, and then more volume. If you ever wanted to obliterate anything, figuratively speaking*, then this is your weapon of choice. Blistering, loud, energetic -- a real rock 'n' roll party. 

*Nah, you could probably knock down a building with this, too.

*             *             *

This is our third mixtape. If you'd like to download the previous two, head here.

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