Thursday, July 24, 2008

I Recommend It

I was expecting to make a music-related post this evening after returning from work, but I ended up spending my night seeing The Dark Knight.

I was a bit apprehensive going in simply because anytime people have really talked up a film, I end up enjoying it a bit less. I had high hopes either way and I was quite pleased as I sat in the theatre and lost myself in the film. I've heard talk about Heath Ledger possibly receiving an Oscar nomination for his performance. I also came across a headline that seemed to suggest that he might be overlooked and not receive a nomination at all. All I can say is, they would be making a mistake if they did not even bother to nominate him.

Yes, it's a blockbuster film, but that shouldn't erase the effort and talent Heath exhibits in his performance. And I don't think nominating him would come off as a tribute or a sympathy nomination, if you will, due to his death. I honestly believe he deserves it. It's just my opinion, of course, but he really seems to have given his all here. He truly played the character well. If I remember correctly, he stated in an interview that he had trouble sleeping while working on the film and seeing his portrayal of The Joker it's understandable. Heath's Joker is the essence of evil and darkness wanting only to see people suffer both physically and mentally, controlled by an overwhelming sense of fear.

I'll have some deeper thoughts on The Dark Knight as well as a music post this weekend.

In the meantime...go see the film. I highly recommend it.

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