Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Sunfold - "Sara the American Winter"

(photo courtesy of Terpsikhore)

I thought I knew what love was. It's a difficult thing to comprehend really. Your body tells you something that your mind accepts without question. Your heart doesn't feel love, but your mind continues to convince it otherwise. What you thought meant something means's confusing. When you're young, you're foolish. It's a known fact, but something you only learn as you grow older.

It's a beautifully arranged track with a heavy undercurrent which comes to the surface just after the first chorus. It's nothing sinister sounding. It exists more to strengthen the emotion in the song. It's unique in its own way, especially with its bold mix of genres. It speaks of winter creeping in, and with the movement and stylistic changes throughout the song, sounds like the changing of seasons. Singer/frontman/primary songwriter extraordinaire Kenny Florence, who also spends his time traversing the globe with Annuals, has a strong voice, one that carries you comfortably throughout the entire track. It's not just a story, it is also a journey.

"Sara the American Winter is from Toy Tugboats, out now on Terpsikhore. Pick it up here.

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