Wednesday, August 06, 2008

Do You Like Rock 'N' Roll? You Can Thank Him

Chuck Berry.

What do you think of when you read or hear that name? I think rock 'n' roll.

Maybe you envision this?

That classic stage move.

John Lennon once said, "If you tried to give rock and roll another name, you might call it 'Chuck Berry'."

Along with the late Bo Diddley, Chuck Berry is one of the founding fathers of rock 'n' roll. At 81 years of age, Mr. Berry continues to play live and tour the globe. However, what amazes me most is how effortlessly he performs. He embodies rock 'n' roll without the excess so commonly associated with being a rock star; he's rock 'n' roll down to his soul not just to the seam of his pants. It probably also helps that he is one of the architects of the genre.

Chuck Berry - "Reelin' and Rockin'"

(Awesome performance. However, not that I have anything against the Bee Gees, but I could have done without the Gibb bros. popping up on stage and singing back-up. You know? It's almost like this...though not nearly as bad.)

Here's the same song, but with a most excellent extended jam. Watch the magic unfold starting at 3:35. This proves he is both a true legend, performer, and musician.

He's 81, but he still has it. He can still play with the best of them. Age certainly hasn't slowed him down. What's more rock 'n' roll than rocking until you can no longer rock. If you need proof, check the video below of "Roll Over Beethoven" taken from his performance at MusicFest 2007.

"For the next 30 minutes, I'm going to rock you." - Chuck Berry

This coming Saturday, he will be appearing at the Virgin Mobile Festival in Baltimore. I plan on being there. Sure, the ticket is going to run me over $100, but not only will I be seeing a bunch of other bands I enjoy, I will also get the chance to see a man who helped found and define my favorite musical genre.

I once heard he drives to his shows in a classic Cadillac, collects his money in a brown paper bag, and then, after performing, drives away (assumingly into the sunset) the same way he arrived: cool, behind the wheel of a Cadillac.

Thanks, Chuck Berry.

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