Wednesday, January 28, 2009

I Was A King: Nostalgia All Around

(pic via bighappyfunhouse)

I Was A King - "Norman Bleik"

This sounds like something I grew up with. I hate to try and pigeonhole the sound. It's one of those songs that just radiates a sense of nostalgic beauty and comfort -- something you don't want to pick apart because it's accessibly satisfying. It's propelled by its distorted, jangly chord progression, with a distortion that recalls the raw nature of Dinosaur Jr. (the guitar solo certainly has the spirit of a J Mascis solo).

I remember various occasions throughout my life where I've been sitting in a friend's dorm room, or bedroom, or car, or wherever and I heard a new band. It's a moment where you think, "Damn, this is pretty awesome" and ask, "Man, who is this?" You want to check out more. It's one of those moments that's bookmarked in your mind and heart because that song has made its mark. Maybe it's not the most mind-blowing thing you've ever heard, but it means something. It's better than that dude you know who shreds hard and melts faces. That song has substance and means more to you as the years go by -- when you haven't seen that friend in forever and you wonder what he or she is doing now...where they are now...who they are now.

I Was A King's forthcoming self-titled album is out April 7th via The Control Group and includes contributions from Sufjan Stevens, Serena Maneesh, Danielson and Ladybug Transistor. The band's import 7" single with "Norman Bleik" and "It's All You" is available now via iTunes. Pick it up here.

I Was A King MySpace
The Control Group

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