Friday, March 20, 2009

Being a Musician, Recording Music

Anyone who actually follows this blog and actually knows me is aware of the fact that, ideally, I would make a living being a full-time musician after school. It's a lofty goal considering where I'm at in life and what I've managed to accomplish in my nine years of making music. Plus, let's face it, the internet may have provided a place for anyone and everyone to have their music heard but it's also made it more difficult to get out there, as well. Anyone from a person with zero talent to a person with a great deal of talent can find a way to have their work heard which is exactly why the internet can also end up being an obstacle. There is so much music to sift through anymore -- I guess that's where MP3/music blogs come in.

Anyways, I'm posting tonight to explain a few things. The reason Mixtape Muse doesn't constantly have new posts and what not is because, more or less, I find it increasingly difficult to find a balance between writing music and writing about music. So much time can be spent on either. Of course, it's also challenging to balance the aforementioned with school and two jobs. I could see myself going down one of two paths in life: musician or music critic/journalist. Then again, I could do both, too, but I'd rather place my focus on one or the other.

Do not mistake any of this for complaining. I simply just wanted to take a moment to A) thank everyone who visits and who supports the blog and B) say that I'm working on trying to have a new post every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday -- at least that's been my goal for the longest time. Please, I cannot say this or stress this enough...if you have anything you would like to see on the blog OR the radio show (technology permitting -- every Thursday from 7-8PM/EST @ or iTunes Radio) please e-mail me or "tweet" at me.

New posts will come in time. I just finished recording an E.P., so I'm feeling pretty accomplished in that realm. Now, time to tackle this whole music journalism thing.

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