Friday, October 21, 2011

Mux Mool Set to Release 'Planet High School', Download "Palace Chalice"

Mux Mool (real name Brian Lindgren) views the world as a place clouded with material obsessions and unnecessary desires. For Lindgren, the world is much less complex than it is made out to be. It's this honest view that inspires his sonic imagining of how the world appears. As Mux Mool, he translates these feelings accordingly through his forthcoming record, Planet High School, the follow-up to his 2010 debut Skulltaste. The new album isn't out until early next year, but why wait that long to check it out? Hear and download a cut from Planet High School below entitled "Palace Chalice."

Mux Mool - "Palace Chalice"

Lindgren manages to mix a variety of tones and textures, seamlessly weaving them through one another to create a rather intriguing sonic landscape. Its deep, hypnotic core beat possesses a sort of hip-hop realism, but it's surrounded by samples and the echoes of synthesizers that suggest that maybe it's all just a dream. Without words, Lindgren sounds as though he's commenting on the fallacy that opulence brings about true happiness in a utopian state.

Planet High School Tracklist
1) Brothers
2) Live at 7-11
3) Palace Chalice
4) I Ruin Everything
5) The Butterfly Technique
6) Hand On the Scantron
7) Raw Gore
8) Cash 4 Gold
9) Get Yer Alphabets (Guns)
10) Baba

Planet High School is out February 7th through Ghostly International.


10.19 New York, NY @ Cake Shop (Terrorbird CMJ Day Party)*
10.19 New York, NY @ Drom (AM Only CMJ Showcase)
11.10 New York, NY @ Le Poisson Rouge
11.11 Detroit, MI @ The Works
11.13 Austin, TX @ Barcelona

*w/ Cloud Nothings, Teen Daze, Widowspeak, & more

Mux Mool
Official Site
Ghostly Page

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