Thursday, January 02, 2014

Welcome to the New Mixtape Muse

Planet Earth

Happy New Year, everybody!

Welcome to the new Mixtape Muse. I updated the template and design, so please let me know if there is anything that's not working or seems wonky. I'm still working some kinks on the back end of things.

If you frequent this site, you've probably noticed that it kind of went dormant at the end of 2013. I had a lot of things going on in my personal and professional lives that pulled my interests and time elsewhere. I'm sure no one was really reeling over a lack of my writing though, especially since there are so many great music blogs around these days that make me look like a novice.

In 2014, Mixtape Muse will resume regular posting, but the aim will be to have more long-form posts, at least one a month (think more in the vein of "Musings"). I'll also be posting very short write-ups on tracks or mixtapes that strike my fancy, when I can, but, at the very least, my hope is that long-form posts will get me back to really diving deep into listening to what's out there.

Hope everyone had a great holiday, and thanks for swinging by. Believe it or not, this September marks the 8th anniversary of Mixtape Muse. Here's to the future.



EDIT (2/25/14): That new template I had just wasn't working, so I reworked the old one. Let's see what happens, and if you're still here, thanks for hanging in with me.

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