Tuesday, July 07, 2009

So Many Options But Not Choosing One

(photo: but does it float by way of nevver)

New Roman Times - "Smoke In Your Disguise"

Opportunities are always available but it's not uncommon for us to just ignore them or act as if they're too far out of reach. So often it seems that we are more willing to let life pass by instead of meandering off the beaten path. If we always lived in the constant fear of change -- of a crack in regularity -- life would be something that would get stale and predictable. All of this goes without saying as these are not, of course, new ideas. Sometimes though, we get dragged down by the thought of what we're missing and what has already come and gone. People let their past lives dictate the rest of their lives which ends up preventing any chance at real happiness. Don't ever think that there isn't a chance for redemption, a chance to turn the whole damn thing around. People aren't here to mold your happiness, but they're certainly here to affect it. There are a lot of choices available; uncertainty isn't a reason to be complacent with familiarity.


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