Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Kanye, Kanye

(Ryan Adams as Kanye West)

Well, by now we're all familiar with what happened at the VMA's between Kanye West and Taylor Swift. He got a lot of heat for what he did, but let's consider something. Although he invaded the stage like he always does, he didn't actually do it on his behalf. He didn't jump on the stage to boast about how great he is. Nevertheless, it goes without saying that it was bad form. The CAPS-locked apology he issued later on his blog didn't really help either.

Last night, he appeared on the debut episode of The Jay Leno Show shortly before he performed with Jay-Z and Rihanna. He wanted to apologize for his actions and he seemed genuinely remorseful. I think Jay may have gone a tad too far when he asked West what his mother would have thought of his actions. West really had to hold back from crying at that point. If it's true that he hasn't taken any time off since the death of his mother, he really should. Watch his sit-down with Leno below.

Guitarist Chad Gilbert of pop punk band New Found Glory seems to suggest that we might want to take West's apologies with a grain of salt. According to Gilbert's Twitter, West flicked everyone off after handing Swift the mic.

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