Monday, June 14, 2010

The Postelles Live @ Bonnaroo 2010

I was first introduced to The Postelles (say it...Poe-stells) through their White Night EP and a few singles on their MySpace. Considering their sound and the fact they're from New York, a lot of people lazily just say they're like The Strokes. As I mentioned in my review of their EP, the thing that separates the band from their New York counterpart is their '50s style, both vocally and musically. Singer Daniel Balk croons with such soul and sounds like a '50s rhythm and blues singer (Sam Cooke is cited as an influence and it shows). There's an attractive clean-cut attitude to the band's sound that suggests the early days of rock 'n' roll. It's clean but rough enough to get you moving. If anything, The Postelles are more Buddy Holly & The Crickets than garage rock revivalists like The Strokes.

Listen to the band's entire Bonnaroo set from this past weekend below thanks to NPR Music. Great sound quality.

LISTEN: The Postelles - Live @ Bonnaroo (via NPR Music)

So much promise in their sound.

The White Night EP is available now right here. The Postelles debut LP is out in July.

(Photo: allsongs)

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