Wednesday, August 18, 2010

CFCF Offers Up Free Mixtape, Helps You Get Down

There's something kind of kitschy about the '80s, and it's not the easiest thing to pinpoint precisely why that seems to be the case. Was it the zebra stripes? The neon colors? The sappy love ballads? It was obviously a collection of many things that helped to make it one of the most fascinating and inspiring decades of all time.

If you're looking for that love ballad that's going to get her attention or set the mood, there's a good chance the song is going to come from the '80s. The music might be a tad over the top, you might find the songs to be a little ridiculous, but, when it comes down to it, that's what makes such songs so charming. Songs from the '80s just have the right ingredients: the groove, the overindulgence of synthesizers, and those ambiguously direct lyrics that seem to apply to everyone, even if they're about a blind girl who sculpts a bust of your head.

Montreal-based DJ and electronic artist CFCF (aka Michael Silver) is offering up a free download of a mixtape that essentially captures the essence of these funky, sexy, sultry, and romantic '80s songs. It's like a soundtrack for one of those love stories when everything was all Miami Vice and hair metal. And as for the title of this mixtape, I can tell you that it is sort of like walking through a department store during the '80s -- not that I know much about that seeing as I was just a tot then.

But honestly, this is so awesome, enjoyable, and well-mixed. Get it now.

CFCF @ MySpace
CFCF @ Paper Bag Records

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