Monday, October 18, 2010

VIDEO: Flying Lotus - "Kill Your Co-Workers"

A few months back, I shared the trippy video for Flying Lotus' "MmmHmm." Today, I give you the much less trippy video for the hyperactive "Kill Your Co-Workers," a song that comes from Flying Lotus' new EP, Pattern+Grid World. The video features some great animation work by Beeple in which 8-bit cartoons (people, animals, & robots) are celebrating something with a parade. Those in the parade hold signs up with phrases such as "Pony dreams rule!" and "Rainbows are yummy!" and all seems well.

But then, Rhon insults Steve's robots -- an army of robots. Bad move, Rhon, bad move. Steve ain't letting Rhon hurl that kind of invective his way and responds by placing the robots into "Kill Mode." Happiness devolves into cheery mutilation, as robots tear and saw apart the townspeople. Ouch. Despite the bloodshed, the cheer never dies, and no one really seems phased by the violence (social commentary?!). Rhon apologizes; Steve says it's cool. Robots are taken out of "Kill Mode" and the parade continues.

For all you folks who are into animation/graphic design/etc., Beeple has made the 3D project files from the above video available for download right here.

Pattern & Grid World

BUY: You can pick up the Pattern+Grid World EP on Amazon / Amazon MP3 or direct from Warp.


BUY: You can pick up Flying Lotus' criticially-acclaimed 2010 album, Cosmogramma, on Amazon / Amazon MP3 / Amazon (vinyl) or direct from Warp.

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