Monday, June 06, 2011

LISTEN: Air Review - "Chasing Corporate"

Air Review - "Chasing Corporate"

A few years ago, I purchased a used copy of Paloalto's Heroes and Villains. The band certainly had a radio-friendly element to their sound, but their music was deeper than that. It walked a fine line between the melancholic and the uplifting, never favoring one side over the over. Air Review's "Chasing Corporate" leaves the same type of impression. There's a concealed vulnerability to the vocals that creates a nice contrast to the more muscular and winding attack of the guitars. Despite the confidence he aims to exude in his delivery, he can't shake intense, underlying desire to figure it all out. It's the sound of recognition, of anxiety, and of determination as it finishes under a distorted storm of layered guitar riffs; it's as though, with time, the protagonist has come to find comfort and refuge in his words, in his beliefs. It's not so much immediacy as much as it passionate execution. This is personal, melodious rock.

Air Review
Official Site

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