Monday, October 17, 2011

LISTEN: The Dirty Nil - "Fuckin' Up Young"

The Dirty Nil - "Fuckin' Up Young"

You know those moments where you're overwhelmed by something? Maybe it's falling in love or winning lots of money -- or something in between there. It's the type of moment in which you feel a rush of adrenaline swirling around inside of you, at a loss for what could be done to calm yourself down. Maybe you jump around and flail your arms in every direction possible, or maybe you jump off of something like a wall or set of stairs, without concern for where or how you'll be landing. It's the feeling of pleasantly drowning in a sea of elation. Listening to "Fuckin' Up Young" is much like this kick of adrenaline, and produces a similar high.

When rock 'n' roll enters the realm of being considered "epic" or "heavy" -- but specifically the former -- it, from time to time, seems to rely on posturing. The Dirty Nil pretty much define what it means to be both epic and heavy but do so without a sense that they're just filled with air and nothing more. "Fuckin' Up Young" is proof that The Dirty Nil is absolute, honest rock 'n' roll, and calls to mind the raw, gregarious attitude of '90s rock music. With a supply of crunchy distortion that could fill a cargo ship, they deliver their rock on a diet of conviction and earth-shaking volume that is infectious, invigorating, and undeniably fun. This is that catharsis, that release, bottled up in one of the best rock 'n' roll songs I've heard in a while. No frills, it just kills.

"Fuckin' Up Young" is from The Dirty Nil's Fuckin' Up Young 7" which is b/w "Verona Lung." Check it out below.

The Dirty Nil

1 comment:

Chris said...

Love the sone fucking up young....