Friday, March 23, 2012

LISTEN: Joshua McCormack - "Galaxy of Doom" + "Terminal Velocity"

Joshua McCormack - "Galaxy of Doom"

Honestly, the first time I heard this song, I thought "What the?" Afraid to admit that the sentiment leaned more towards a negative one, but on my second listen through, I found myself taken in by its wild unpredictability. Whether it's the initial punk and hardcore attitude, the pop and funk-tinged R&B a la Prince, or the bluesy howls that mark the stops in the first half's verses, "Galaxy of Doom" pretty much defines the tag "unclassifiable." McCormack's knack for making sonic twists into hooks is on full display here. If My Morning Jacket, Prince, and some thrashy NYC punk band decided to jam together, it might wind up sounding something like this.

For a bit more of a straightforward but no less exciting track, check out another song from McCormack below called "Terminal Velocity." If anything, this just proves he's an incredibly versatile writer and performer.

"Galaxy of Doom" and "Terminal Velocity" are from Joshua McCormack's latest album, The Phantom King, out April 3rd on Mecca Lecca.

Joshua McCormack
Official Site

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