Wednesday, May 16, 2012

LISTEN: My Goodness - "Blackout Baby"

My Goodness - "Blackout Baby"

The first time I heard this song, I thought it was some lost MC5 b-side. But the MC5 were never this bluesy, and they never did sound this Southern fried. "Blackout Baby" has that raw, sort of guttural punch that sounds big and hits even harder -- like the MC5 meets Led Zeppelin. It only takes one electric guitar, a drum kit, and a howling set of pipes to stir up this storm of bluesy rock 'n' roll, and that certainly says a lot about the conviction and talent of this Seattle band. My Goodness, rock 'n' roll is alive and doing quite well (sorry, I couldn't resist).

"Blackout Baby" is from My Goodness' self-titled 2011 LP. If you dug "Blackout Baby," listen to the whole album below.

My Goodness

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