Monday, July 19, 2010

LISTEN: The Bewitched Hands on Top of Our Heads - "I Don't Know"

I'm not about to lie. If you saw my Top 5 of 2010 (so far), you know that I'm really excited about this group of Francophones, and not just because their band name rules. 

Five gentlemen and one lady combine to make Bewitched Hands a happening sextet that need to be watched. NPR noted their last trip across the pond for SXSW, and honestly, I can't wait to find out when they'll be back next.

Bewitched hands are a guitar heavy band, with a great sense of movements in their songwriting, interesting harmonies, and a sound that can rise and fall from just voice, to arena-rock levels (or, to be fair, an Arcade Fire-lie scale).

To show our love, we've embedded a player that will give you the entirety of the Hard to Cry EP, which is out July 26 (after the hippity-hop, of course).

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