Monday, January 03, 2011

LISTEN: Cake - "Teenage Pregnancy"

Fellow Cake-lovers (yes, that counts for the stuff you eat too), January is here. 

That means a sweet new year and decade are ahead of us, hopefully topped with a rich frosting of social awareness and willingness to adjust to our new challenging social and physical environments. Why the broad generalizations about society, you ask. Good question MM readers, and here's the answer:

A ways back I posted about Cake's video for "Sick of You", off the upcoming release Showroom of Compassion (which is up for pre-sale now). Thanks to First Listen at NPR, you can now listen to the band's latest tease from the album, a lyric-less tune called "Teenage Pregnancy". This is befitting of a band that is seeking to both entertain and educate its fan base -hence the generalization. Cake has been known to give away saplings at their live performances on the condition that the winner of a in-performance quiz be able to care for the baby trees. Their music is rife with commentary on Suburbia, commuter traffic, cancer awareness, pollution, and more. 

Now yet another tight, genre-less Cake tune has been tied to another societal issue. Make sure to cruise over to NPR and check out lead singer and keyboardist John McCrea's comments about the song title and subject matter, and of course, to listen:

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