Friday, January 13, 2012

LISTEN: The Lower Class - Flight of Ideas

San Marcos, TX hip hop group The Lower Class is a well mixed drink of the finest brands of hip hop -- from Jurassic 5 to A Tribe Called Quest. They balance, or rather back, bravado with smart rhymes that might just leave you scratching your head as they run circles around you with their wordplay. It says a lot about their palette of inspiration and wit when they manage to reference everything from Johnny Cash to Pokemon to mathematics and physics with purpose -- almost as if they're giving you a research paper's worth of support for their declarations and theories. And on their debut LP, Flight of Ideas, The Lower Class' s astute rhymes are all the more effective and thought-provoking thanks to their eclectic production on each of the 11 tracks: elements of jazz, soul, classical, electropop,'s all here.

If you want clever, fun, deep, soulful, eclectic, and memorable hip hop, look no further. Flight of Ideas is easily one of the most eclectic and dynamic hip hop releases I've heard recently.

Hear two standout cuts from Flight of Ideas below, and, if you dig it, hear/download the whole thing.

The Lower Class - "Hello, Hello/Trunk"

The Lower Class - "Skills Up"

The Lower Class - "Blacksploitation"

Flight of Ideas via SoundCloud:

via Bandcamp

The Lower Class
Official Site

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