Friday, March 30, 2012

LISTEN + DOWNLOAD: Big Baby Gandhi's NO 1 2 LOOK UP 2

You already know that we (tip of the hat to you, Quinn) make mixtapes. Well, other people (big ol' blogs like Stereogum) do too. To quote those folks, "This was an incredible month for free hip hop MP3s..."

I'm excited about one release in particular, and that's NO 1 2 LOOK UP 2 from Big Baby Gandhi. It's rap a la Das Racist (literally, their label released it), so the record is purely for you stream-of-consciousness fans who thrive on wordsmithyness and odd song titles. Some of the beats share the same incessant drone that made Das Racist brief kings in the indie-hop world (see "Turbo"), and others offer a bit more variation, like the excellent single "Blue Magic".

I wish I had more words in the old bank-o-profundity, but hey, just get listening. You can download NO 1 2 LOOK UP 2 straight from the artist's .tumblr, here. 

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