Monday, April 02, 2012

LISTEN: Matty Fasano - 'Living In Armchairs' EP

Brooklyn's Matty Fasano is a versatile musician, evidenced by his solo work with ARMS and LCD System. His latest solo effort, the Living In Armchairs EP, is out this week, and it's bound to be one of the most beautiful releases you'll hear in 2012.

Centered around Fasano's soothing, incredibly harmonious voice and equally as moving piano playing, Living In Armchairs posits itself somewhere between pop and classical. As the name might suggest, this four-song collection is an undeniably comforting body of work -- one that's serene and inspiring. If indie music ever had hymnals, Matty Fasano would be the godfather with both his knack for arrangement and consideration of tone. There's something particularly inescapable about the angelic ambiance that hymns generate, how they sweep you in with such graceful progression. And whether or not you find yourself caught by their allure, it's hard not to admit that the purity that shines through hymns is something that's both simple and resplendent. Fasano takes classical music's grandeur, the beauty and adoration of hymns, and the charm of pop to create songs that feel like heavenly and enriching experiences.

Matty Fasano - "Living In Armchairs"

Matty Fasano - "I Can Change"

Hear and download the whole thing below.

Matty Fasano

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