Wednesday, April 18, 2012

LISTEN: Adam Smith - "Hollow Bones" & "Moon Lake"

There was a time when storms seemed like such ominous things. Shades of gray thrown across the beautiful blue of the sky used to feel rather unsettling, and yet now they bear a sense of redemption or opportunity. Those things that once appeared in a foreboding manner now reveal a light in the dark, reminding us that anything is possible even in the most unfavorable, dire circumstances. There is nothing to worry or fear when standing on an island of hope.

London-based electronic artist Adam Smith forgoes the mask of a pseudonym, which leads his music to feel especially personal -- even if it's constructed with synthesizers, distorted and warped vocals, and big danceable beats. His sound is a perfect mix of mood, atmosphere, and rhythmic magnetism that allows each song to be reflective, encompassing, and rejuvenating. While at heart electronic music, you'll find elements of post-rock, pop, jazz, and more. "Hollow Bones" and "Moon Lake" are from Smith's latest release Islands, which came out at the tail end of last month. Hear the whole thing below.

Adam Smith
Official Site

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